An autonomous research institute under the Ministry of Finance


A missed opportunity


(Co-authored with Rishab Bailey)
The Gopalakrishnan Committee Report does not adequately address governance frameworks around government data sets
The Committee of Experts on the Non-Personal Data Governance Framework has recommended in their report, among other things, making privately held non-personal data “open”. The objective is to make such ...

An Augmented Flexible Inflation Targeting Framework for India with an Unconventional Fiscal-Monetary Coordination Strategy


1. The Context
The inflation targeting framework adopted in India in 2016 is coming up for review in 2021. Critiques of this framework have argued that there are a number of reasons why some aspects of this framework needs to be changed. These include the inappropriateness of the current ...

Subsidies, merit goods, and fiscal space: An aspect of public expenditure in India - I


blog author image
(Co-authored with Satadru Sikdar)
Large fiscal deficits and even larger public-sector borrowing requirements are a regular feature of the fiscal landscape in India. In this context, this article argues that rationalisation of the prevailing large volume of non-merit subsidies should constitute a major component of deep fiscal reforms. Doing ...