Lekha Chakraborty
- Email lekha.chakraborty@nipfp.org.in lekhachakraborty@gmail.com
- Phone 9650012227 & 011-26569303 Ext - 206

Research areas
(1) Macroeconomics of Public Deficits, Fiscal Monetary Policy Linkages, Financial Inclusion - Microfinance. (2) Effectiveness of Public Expenditure. Gender budgeting, Human Development. (3) Fiscal Federalism, Decentralisation (4) Fiscal research on Mining Tax and Competitiveness of Extractive Industries
2024: Invited by Ministry of Finance, Govt of India, for Pre-Budget consulations with Honourable Finance Minister of India. December 6th 2024
2024: Invited by United Nations Headquarters New York, as featured panelist in UNSG 'Financing for Development" meetings , December 2nd, 2024
Current research
1. Intergovernmental fiscal transfers (IGFT) and gender equality (with Janet Stotsky IMF and Piysuh Gandhi Oxford University)
2. Effectiveness of Gender Budgeting on Gender Equality Outcomes and Fiscal Space (with Mariam Ingrams OECD and Y Singh JNU) - invited for American Economic Association (AEA/ASSA) Meetings Atlanta January 2019
3. Macroeconometric aanalysis - Determining Private Corporate Investment in India (analysis using Meboot) (with Hrishikesh Vinod, Fordham University and H Karun IMF) - forthcoming in Handbook of Econometrics Volume 41 (edited by Vinod, H and C R Rao (Elsevier)
4. Macroeconomic Policy for Extractive sector
5. Fiscal forecast errors: Analysis of State Finances (with Pinaki Chakraborty) , Public Innovation Project
6. Tax Buoyancy : Analysis of State Finances (with Pinaki Chakraborty), , Public Innovation Project
7. Environmental Federalism: Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review
Recent publications
- (2025), "Mining Royalty is not Tax: Analyzing the Supreme Court Judgment", NIPFP Working Paper No. 423
- (2025), "Mining Royalty is not a tax - analysing the supreme court judgment", In Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 60, Issue No. 1, 04 Jan, 2025, pg 18-21.
- (2024), "Applying OECD Policy Evaluation Criteria to Child Protection Schemes in Odisha, India", EPW Special Article Vol. 59, Issue No. 49, 07 Dec, 2024
- (2024), "Mission VATSALYA: A Public Expenditure and Institutional Review of Child Protection Scheme across Districts in Odisha, India", NIPFP Working Paper No. 418
- (2024), "Gender & Child Budgeting: Potential to mitigate inequalities" in "Investing in Early Years in Human Capital", eds. Beena Pandey & Hyun Hee Ban
Membership in committees and commissions
- 2020-present: Board Member, Governing Board of International Institute of Public Finance, IIPF Germany.
- Member, 'Classification of Budgetary Transactions', Chairman :Chief Economic Advisor, Ministry of Finance, Govt of India, 2004
- Member, 'Segregation of Government Expenditure', Ministry of Finance , Govt of India, 2005
- Member, Agency and Empowerment, for the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017), Planning Commission.
- Member, Subgroup on “Gender Mainstreaming and Effective Accountability Mechanisms, for the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017), Govt. of India, Planning Commission.
- Life Member, Econometric Society of India.
- Member, IWG-GEM Macroeconomics, University of Utah.
- Member, Economists for Full Employment (The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, New York)
Professional activities
- Lead, Asia Pacific research on Gender Budgeting for IMF
- Fiscal policy for gender equality - prepared the Background paper_ Expert Group Meeting (EGM) for United Nations Secretary General's (UNSG) Highlevel Panel on Women's Economic Empowerment (WEE)
Professional Service (selected)
2023. Expert, UN Women and ILO High level Panel on “Engendering Fiscal Space”, EGM at Istanbul.
2022. Member, COP27 Steering Committee, India’s 1st Adaptation Communication, Govt of India
2021-22. Member, Governing Board, NIPFP (Ministry of Finance), New Delhi
2020-2023. Member, Board of Management, International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Munich.
2019. American Economic Association (to present my selected paper in Atlanta).
2017-. Fulbright Selection Board Member, US Non-STEM Scholars Programme
2017. Editorial Board, Urban Economics journal, NIUA.
2003. Member, Expert Committee on ‘Classification of Budgetary Transactions’ with Chief Economic Advisor, Govt of India
2005. Member, Committee on “Segregation of Expenditure and budgetary classification”, Ministry of Finance, Govt of India.
2000-. Life Member, Econometric Society of India, since 2000.
2003-. Member, International Working Group on Gender & Macroeconomics, University of Utah
2010-2013 & Since 2016. Member, International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF), Munich.
2008-2010. Executive Member, Econometric Society of India.
2020. UN Asia Pacific, Led the policy research in Asia Pacific region on “Macroeconomic Policy response on Covid19”, Bangkok.
2017. UNESCAP, to lead the Asia Pacific region on “Macroeconomic Policy for SDGs: Fiscal- Monetary Policy Tools” Bangkok.
2017. Expert, UNESCAP & Ministry of Foreign Affairs Asia-Pacific Regional Meetings, Thimphu, Royal Government of Bhutan
2016. Expert, UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment, EGM at ILO, Geneva
2016. Nairobi Consultations - “Regional Knowledge Exchange: Implementing the 2030 SDG Agenda”, UNDP Bangkok.
2016. Lead, International Monetary Fund, to lead the Asia Pacific region on “Fiscal policy for gender equality”, Washington DC.
2016. Expert, High Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Corporation, Bangkok
2016. Expert, Asia-Pacific Regional Consultations on “Transformative financing for the SDG 2030”, UNESCAP-UNDP, Bangkok
2014. GDN. Led Latin America, Caribbean, Asia Pacific team on “Macroeconomic Volatility & Fiscal Monetary Policies”, Paris.
2013. The Commonwealth Secretariat. Research on “Fiscal Innovations for gender equality”, London.
2013. International Institute of Sustainable Development, Research on “Gender Issues in Energy Reforms”, Geneva.
2010. UNDP, research on “Gender Sensitive Fiscal Policies in Asia Pacific”, Human Development Research Centre, Bangkok.
Other information
1. Dr Y V Reddy (former Central Bank (RBI Governor and Chairman, Fourteenth Finance Commission): https://www.nipfp.org.in/blog/2018/04/05/book-review-fiscal-consolidation-budget-deficits-and-macro-economy/
2. Prof Vito Tanzi (former Executive Director, Fiscal Affairs IMF). https://www.nipfp.org.in/blog/2016/12/19/fiscal-consolidation-budget-deficits-and-macro-economy/
3. Prof Pulapre Balakrishnan (former Director, Centre for Development Studies, JNU). https://www.nipfp.org.in/blog/2017/10/04/fiscal-consolidation-budget-deficits-and-macro-economy/
4. Prof Janet Stotsky (fr IMF Advisor). https://www.nipfp.org.in/blog/2017/10/11/book-review-fiscal-consolidation-budget-deficits-and-macro-economy/