वित्त मंत्रालय के तहत एक स्वायत्त अनुसंधान संस्थान


Working papers

Non-Performing Loans of PSU Banks: Some Panel Results

  • नव, 2001
  • Authors Indira Rajaraman & Garima Vasishtha
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Women Contributions to the Economy through their Unpaid Household Work

  • मई, 2001
  • Authors R.N. Pandey
  • Details NIPFP Working Paper
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Road Map for National and Sub-National VATs in India

  • मई, 2001
  • Authors Mahesh C. Purohit
  • Details NIPFP Working Paper
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Economic Consequences of the Gujarat Earthquake

  • अप्र, 2001
  • Authors Ashok K. Lahiri, Tapas K. Sen, R. Kavita Rao & P
  • Details NIPFP Working Paper
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Time-Series Properties of State-Level Public Expenditure

  • जन, 2001
  • Authors Indira Rajaraman, Hiranya Mukhopadhyay & R. Kavita Rao
  • Details NIPFP Working Paper
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Time-Series Properties of State-Level Public Expenditure

  • जन, 2001
  • Authors Indira Rajaraman, Hiranya Mukhopadhyay and R. Kavita Rao
  • Details Time-Series Properties of State-Level Public Expenditure
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Economic Consequences of the Gujarat Earthquake

  • जन, 2001
  • Authors Ashok K. Lahiri, Tapas K. Sen, R. Kavita Rao and Pratap Ranjan Jena
  • Details Economic Consequences of the Gujarat Earthquake
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Women’s Contributions to the Economy through their Unpaid Household work

  • जन, 2001
  • Authors R.N. Pandey
  • Details Women’s Contributions to the Economy through their Unpaid Household work
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Road Map for National and Sub-National VATs in India

  • जन, 2001
  • Authors Mahesh C. Purohit
  • Details Road Map for National and Sub-National VATs in India
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Non-Performing Loans of PSU Banks: Some Patel Results

  • जन, 2001
  • Authors Indira Rajaraman and Garima Vasishtha
  • Details Non-Performing Loans of PSU Banks: Some Patel Results
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Coming to Grip with Issues of Pricing Urban Water and Intra-City Bus Transport

  • जन, 2001
  • Authors Om Prakash Mathur
  • Details Coming to Grip with Issues of Pricing Urban Water and Intra-City Bus Transport
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Coming to Grip with Issues of Pricing Urban Water and Intra-City Bus Transport

  • जन, 2001
  • Authors Om Prakash Mathur
  • Details NIPFP Working Paper
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Tradable Permits for Environmental Protection: Case Study of An Integrated Steel Plant in India

  • दिस्, 2000
  • Authors Rita Pandey & Geetesh Bhardwaj
  • Details NIPFP Working Paper
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Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Fixing Responsibility

  • जून, 2000
  • Authors Geetesh Bhardwaj & Ramprasad Sengupta
  • Details NIPFP Working Paper
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Impact of Grants on Tax Effort of Local Government

  • अप्र, 2000
  • Authors Indira Rajaraman & Garima Vashishtha
  • Details NIPFP Working Paper
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Nonlinear Adjustment in Real Exchange Rates and Long Run Purchasing Power Parity – Further Evidence

  • अप्र, 2000
  • Authors Gangadhar Darbha & Urjit R. Patel
  • Details NIPFP Working Paper
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Practising Sub-National Public Finance in India

  • मा, 2000
  • Authors Ashok K. Lahiri
  • Details NIPFP Working Paper
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Tradable Permits for Environmental Protection: Case Study of An Integrated Steel Plant in India

  • जन, 2000
  • Authors Rita P and ey and Geetesh Bhardwaj
  • Details Tradable Permits for Environmental Protection: Case Study of An Integrated Steel Plant in India
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Nonlinear Adjustment in Real Exchange Rates and Long Run Purchasing power Parity – Further Evidence

  • जन, 2000
  • Authors Gangadhar Darbha and Urjit R. Patel
  • Details Nonlinear Adjustment in Real Exchange Rates and Long Run Purchasing power Parity – Further Evidence
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Impact of Grants on Tax Effort of Local Government

  • जन, 2000
  • Authors Indira Rajaraman and Garima Vashishtha
  • Details Impact of Grants on Tax Effort of Local Government
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Practising Sub-National Public Finance in India

  • जन, 2000
  • Authors Ashok K. Lahiri
  • Details Practising Sub-National Public Finance in India
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Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Fixing Responsibility

  • जन, 2000
  • Authors Geetesh Bhardwaj and Ramprasad Sengupta
  • Details Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Fixing Responsibility
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Fiscal Instruments for Pollution Abatement: A Study of Distilleries in India

  • जन, 1999
  • Authors B. Goldar and Rita P and ey
  • Details Fiscal Instruments for Pollution Abatement: A Study of Distilleries in India
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On the Manu-Kautilya Norms of Taxation: An Interpretation using Laffar Curve Analytics

  • जन, 1999
  • Authors D.K. Srivastava
  • Details On the Manu-Kautilya Norms of Taxation: An Interpretation using Laffar Curve Analytics
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A Land-Based Agricultural Presumptive Tax Designed for Levy by Panchayats

  • जन, 1998
  • Authors Indira Rajaraman and M.J. Bhende
  • Details A Land-Based Agricultural Presumptive Tax Designed for Levy by Panchayats
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Sustaining India's Megacities

  • जन, 1998
  • Authors Om Prakash Mathur
  • Details Sustaining India's Megacities
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Transfer Pricing Regulations in India: Challenges Ahead

  • जन, 1998
  • Authors Mahesh C. Purohit
  • Details Transfer Pricing Regulations in India: Challenges Ahead
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Reforming the Property Tax Base: Need for a New Direction

  • जन, 1998
  • Authors Amaresh Bagchi
  • Details Reforming the Property Tax Base: Need for a New Direction
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The role of ROSCAs: lumpy durables or event insurance?

  • जन, 1998
  • Authors Charles W. Calomiris and Indira Rajaraman
  • Details The role of ROSCAs: lumpy durables or event insurance?
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Cascading, Revenue Neutrality and the VAT: Some Theoretical Results

  • जन, 1997
  • Authors Hiranya Mukhopadhyay
  • Details Cascading, Revenue Neutrality and the VAT: Some Theoretical Results
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A Review of Market Based Instruments for Pollution Control: Implications for India

  • जन, 1997
  • Authors Aparna Sawhney
  • Details A Review of Market Based Instruments for Pollution Control: Implications for India
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Economic Reforms and R&D Expenditure in Industrial Firms in India

  • जन, 1997
  • Authors B.N. Goldar and V.S. Renganathan
  • Details Economic Reforms and R&D Expenditure in Industrial Firms in India
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Designing of Pigouvian Tax For Pollution Abatement in Sugar Industry

  • जन, 1997
  • Authors Rita P and ey
  • Details Designing of Pigouvian Tax For Pollution Abatement in Sugar Industry
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Relative Tax Effort by Indian States

  • जन, 1997
  • Authors Tapas K. Sen
  • Details Relative Tax Effort by Indian States
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Growth of Small Scale Industries in India: Some Policy Issues

  • जन, 1996
  • Authors Charu C. Garg
  • Details Growth of Small Scale Industries in India: Some Policy Issues
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Public Expenditure Policy and Management in India: A Consideration of the Issues

  • जन, 1996
  • Authors Parthasarathy Shome, Tapas K. Sen and S. Gopalakrishnan
  • Details Public Expenditure Policy and Management in India: A Consideration of the Issues
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Fiscal and other determinants of the Indian Inflation Rate

  • जन, 1996
  • Authors Sheetal K. Ch and
  • Details Fiscal and other determinants of the Indian Inflation Rate
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Shortfalls in States' Outlays: An Analysis

  • जन, 1996
  • Authors S. Gopalakrishnan and T.S. Rangamannar
  • Details Shortfalls in States' Outlays: An Analysis
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Brazil: Fiscal Federalism and Value Added Tax

  • जन, 1996
  • Authors Parthasarathy Shome and Paul Bernd Spahn
  • Details Brazil: Fiscal Federalism and Value Added Tax
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Harmonizing Sales Taxes in a Federation Case Studies: India and Canada

  • जन, 1996
  • Authors Amaresh Bagchi
  • Details Harmonizing Sales Taxes in a Federation Case Studies: India and Canada
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Devaluation, Liberalisation and the Structural Linkages between India's Foreign Trade and National Income

  • जन, 1995
  • Authors Sun and a Sen and Hiranya Mukhopadhyay
  • Details Devaluation, Liberalisation and the Structural Linkages between India's Foreign Trade and National Income
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Revenue Sharing in Developing Countries: Role of Population in Criteria based Transfer

  • जन, 1995
  • Authors D.K. Srivastava and Pawan K.Aggarwal
  • Details Revenue Sharing in Developing Countries: Role of Population in Criteria based Transfer
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Can the Progressive Revenue Sharing Criteria Lead to Regressive Responses?

  • जन, 1995
  • Authors Pawan K. Aggarwal and D.K. Srivastava
  • Details Can the Progressive Revenue Sharing Criteria Lead to Regressive Responses?
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Presumptive Taxation and its Legal Aspects

  • जन, 1995
  • Authors Sudhanshu Munshi
  • Details Presumptive Taxation and its Legal Aspects
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Tax Harmonization in Federations: A Survey of Theory and Practice

  • जन, 1995
  • Authors Amaresh Bagchi
  • Details Tax Harmonization in Federations: A Survey of Theory and Practice
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Global Taxes

Government Programmes for the Urban Poor and Convergence

  • जन, 1995
  • Authors P.S.A. Sundaram
  • Details Government Programmes for the Urban Poor and Convergence
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Dynamic Auditing

  • जन, 1994
  • Authors Prabal Ray Chaudhuri
  • Details Dynamic Auditing
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Tax Reforms in Textile Sector

  • जन, 1994
  • Authors Mahesh C. Purohit
  • Details Tax Reforms in Textile Sector
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Subnational Tax Disharmony in India: A Comparative Perspective

  • जन, 1994
  • Authors M. Govinda Rao and Francois Vaillancourt
  • Details Subnational Tax Disharmony in India: A Comparative Perspective
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Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade: Case Study of India Vis-a-Vis EC, Japan and USA

  • जन, 1994
  • Authors Madanmohan Ghosh
  • Details Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade: Case Study of India Vis-a-Vis EC, Japan and USA
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Management of Value Added Tax in France

  • जन, 1994
  • Authors Mahesh C. Purohit
  • Details Management of Value Added Tax in France
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Indian Fiscal Federalism from a Comparative Perspective

  • जन, 1994
  • Authors M. Govinda Rao
  • Details Indian Fiscal Federalism from a Comparative Perspective
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Revenue Sharing among the Sub-National Governments: A Modified Formula

  • जन, 1994
  • Authors Pawan K. Aggarwal and D.K. Srivastava
  • Details Revenue Sharing among the Sub-National Governments: A Modified Formula
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Fiscal Options for Stabilisation and Growth

  • जन, 1994
  • Authors Sudipto Mundle and H. Mukhopadhyay
  • Details Fiscal Options for Stabilisation and Growth
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