NIPFP is a premier research institution in public economics and policies. The institute has made significant research contribution in the area of revenue and taxation, fiscal management, public expenditure, macro-economic policies, fiscal federalism and other public finance and policy issues both at the Central and the State-level. Being the largest think-tank on public economics and policies in India, the institute faces an overwhelming demand for research in these areas. Most ...
NIPFP undertakes training programmes on various aspects of public policy in general, and on themes in the area of public economics in particular. The beneficiaries of these training programmes include government officials, university and college teachers from India and other South Asian countries, researchers and journalists. Training for government officials includes both probationers in government services, as well as in-service officials at the middle and senior level from both India ...
Policy support
NIPFP extends its support to public policy formulation not only through research, but also through representation of NIPFP faculty in various committees and commissions of the Central and State governments. It has made significant contribution to policy recommendations of Indirect Taxation Enquiry Commission, Economic Administration Reforms Commission, the Tax Reforms Commission, Expert group on the Reform of Domestic Trade taxes in India, Expert Group on Taxation of Services, Expert Group on the Introduction of VAT ...