An autonomous research institute under the Ministry of Finance


Nutrition - Public Expenditure Review: Evidence from Gujarat

Publication date

Dec, 2019


NIPFP Working Paper No. 286


Amandeep Kaur, Lekha Chakraborty, Ruzel Shrestha, Komal Jain, Janet Farida Jacob, Anindita Ghosh


Against the backdrop of National Nutrition Mission, this paper undertakes Nutrition-Public Expenditure Review in the State of Gujarat. The anthropometric data analysis shows that malnutrition is still a silent emergency in the state, though there is an improvement over the years. The fiscal space for nutrition in a multi-sectoral framework is looked into, and we find that only an insignificant portion of state budget is allotted to nutrition-related spending. The public expenditure incidence analysis of ICDS showed that there are access differentials in the units utilized patterns, and fiscal marksmanship analysis shows that there is huge deviation between what is allotted and what is spent. The outcome parameters show the inter-State and inter-district differentials within Gujarat that persist in the anthropometric indicators relate to undernutrition. This calls for strengthening the Nutrition-PER in the State of Gujarat as part of the PFM.
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