Managing Water Utility in the United States: Lessons in Operations and Finance
- Speaker Dr. Ravindra M Srivastava
Speaker profile
Dr. Ravindra M Srivastava is the Environment, Science, and Technology Unit Chief at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi. He has previously served in Pretoria, South Africa, Karachi, Pakistan, and Madras, India, and will be posted to Dubai, UAE in 2019. Prior to joining the U.S. Foreign Service, he spent over a decade in operating wastewater and water treatment plants and managing such utilities in the United States. For several years he taught at colleges and universities in the U.S. and India. Trained as a civil engineer at IIT Madras,Ravi traveled to the U.S. for further education, receiving his M.S., and Ph.D. In civil and environmental engineering from Iowa State and University of Illinois, respectively, and MBA from Colorado State University. He was born in Jhansi districtict, UP, brought up in Amritsar, Punjab, and educated in Madras, Tamil Nadu.
- Date Thu, 20 December, 2018
- Time 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM
- Venue Conference Room, Ground Floor, R&T Building, NIPFP
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National Consultation on Child Budgeting in India: Towards better investments for the Realization of Children’s Rights (BY INVITE)
- Date Thu, 20 December, 2018
- Time 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM
- Venue Auditorium, NIPFP
National Consultation on Child Budgeting in India: Towards better investments for the Realization of Children’s Rights. SAVE the Children is organizing in collaboration with NIPFP and National Coalition for Education (NCE), with an aim to understand the need for budget analysis for ensuring better investments for the Realization of Children’s Rights embedded in the SDGs and to mobilize key decision makers and parliamentarians for advocating towards adequate financing for children. Participation by invitation only.
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Insurance: Risk Transfer solutions in the Insolvency space
- Speaker Amit Agarwal: Director -Financial Lines Group, JLT Independent Insurance Brokers Pvt. Ltd.
Speaker profile
Amit Agarwal holds a double MBA from ISB Hyderabad in Finance & Strategy and from K. J. Somaiya in Marketing. With a rich experience of 17 years in Banking and General Insurance Industry in India, Amit has worked with leading institutions like ICICI Bank, Marsh and JLT.Prior to JLT, he was associated with Marsh for more than 8 years spearheading the direct and reinsurance placements for the Financial Lines, Casualty and Crisis Practice. Amit has throughout his career been involved in most start-ups in the Broking industry and has through entrepreneurial strategy achieved the speediest million-dollar revenue in the Indian Broking Industry.
- Date Mon, 12 November, 2018
- Time 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM
- Venue Conference Room, Ground Floor, R&T Building, NIPFP
While IBC has heralded a revolution in India, wherein for the first time, there has been a shift of power amongst the creditors from the erstwhile powerful debtor regime, it is still subject to many risks and challenges, some of which however can be effectively transferred by way of insurance. We at JLT believe that the broad risks in the IBC eco-system can be transferred in the following ways:1. Transfer of Asset risk of corporate debtor by having proper due diligence of the existing insurances, (if in existence) or structuring the same for the corporate debtor2. Transferring Liability risk accruing onto the Resolution Professional, having designed bespoke insurance solution for the RP and protecting him and the team3. Exploring to provide M&A solutions to enhance the value of the asset, benefitting the CoC and the RP.
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Agricultural yield and conflict
- Speaker Dr. Satyendra Kumar Gupta
Speaker profile
Dr. Satyendra Kumar Gupta, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management, Rohtak.
- Date Tue, 30 October, 2018
- Time 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM
- Venue Auditorium NIPFP, New Delhi
This research establishes that the emergence and persistence of intrastate conflict incidence since 1960 are influenced by regional agro-ecological factors captured by the extent of variation in potential crop yield. Our results based on cross-country and grid-level analysis indicate that higher potential crop yield variability within a country that is exogenous to both human intervention and regional culture increases the likelihood of intrastate conflict. Our findings are robust to the inclusion of various geographical, institutional, and potentially confounding economic development correlates.
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Taxing the Digital Economy: Intersection between international tax, morality, privacy and economics
- Speaker Meyyappan Nagappan
Speaker profile
Meyyappan Nagappan is a Leader in the International Tax practice at Nishith Desai Associates. He is a Pemanda Monappa Scholar and has graduated from Cambridge University with a Masters of Law with specialization in International Taxation. He was awarded the International Bar Association Taxes Committee Scholarship-2018 to present his paper on taxing the digital economy at the IBA conference in Rome. He completed his Bachelors in Law from NALSAR and has done extensive work advising some of the biggest tech companies on tax and structuring issues apart from publishing academic articles on taxation of digital economy. Prior to joining Nishith Desai Associates, he worked in the Chambers of Mr. Mohan Parasan, Solicitor General of India between 2010 – 2014; and was involved in some of the landmark international taxation disputes, direct and indirect taxation disputes in India during the time. He has also been a regular speaker in multiple conferences in India and abroad on issues relating to taxation of digital economy, GAAR, MLI, artificial intelligence and blockchain. He also leads the tax policy, impact investment, social finance and GST practice at NDA.
- Date Thu, 27 September, 2018
- Time 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM
- Venue Conference Room, Ground Floor, R&T Building, NIPFP
Digitalisation is rapidly transforming the economy. Experts are now examining the implications of this for tax law. Considering the nascent stage at which the digital economy is, tax law is likely to be impacted by the manner in which privacy laws are enacted in India. Further, research has only recently begun into understanding the economic value created by newer intangibles and other assets, such as customer data, that highly digitalized companies use to generate tremendous profits. At the same time, measures to tax the digital economy are being adopted by jurisdictions around the world on the shared moral premise that adequate taxes are not being paid in their respective jurisdictions. This shared sentiment appears to be giving way to inefficient unilateral withholding taxes that undermines the international tax treaty framework. Further, while the focus today may be on highly digitalized companies, the principles laid down today would affect all companies as their business models undergo increasingly inevitable digitalization. The talk will focus on the interplay between morality, privacy and economics with international tax law centered around the current debate on digital economy.
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Effective Enforcement of a Data Protection Regime: A model for risk-based supervision using responsive regulatory tools
- Speaker Malavika Raghavan, Project Head – Future of Finance Initiative, Dvara Research
Speaker profile
Malavika is project head for the Future of Finance Initiative at Dvara Research. She is a lawyer with experience in policy and strategy. Her work looks at the challenges for user protection at the intersection of technology, finance and inclusion. Her previous experience includes work with a global law firm, stints with the Financial Markets Law Committee established by the Bank of England, and in social finance for Acumen and Big Society Capital. She graduated with an MPhil in Public Policy from the University of Cambridge and completed a five-year undergraduate law-degree at the National Academy of Legal Studies and Research (NALSAR), Hyderabad. Malavika was a 2018 fellow of the Chevening Financial Services fellowship at King’s College London, and a 2016 fellow of the On Purpose social enterprise leadership programme.
- Date Tue, 18 September, 2018
- Time 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM
- Venue Conference Room, Ground Floor, R&T Building, NIPFP
Enforcement of data protection regulations present some unique challenges, like a market-wide enforcement perimeter and difficulty in identifying contraventions of laws or regulations and harm caused by such contraventions. Taking these factors into consideration, we propose a model of enforcement based on risk-based supervision and the use of a range of responsive enforcement tools. This model attempts to move away from a focus on post-data breach sanctions and considers how the regulatory community might act to minimize contraventions of the data protection regime. As part of this model, we propose a methodology to identify those entities which potentially pose a higher level of risk, to both individuals and the system, when personal data held by them is breached. We also have set out a range of enforcement tools that the regulator may utilize to both prevent and mitigate the effects of a compromise of individuals personal data, as well as some features of institutional design and intersectoral co-ordination required for effective enforcement.
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Closures of coal-fired power stations in Australia: Local unemployment effects
- Speaker Dr. Paul Burke
Speaker profile
Dr. Paul Burke is an energy economist at the Australian National University’s Crawford School of Public Policy. He has been closely engaged in the study of energy transitions and the design of climate policies in Australia and throughout the Asia-Pacific. Dr Burke is currently working on a research project on the policy environment for zero-carbon energy in India and Indonesia. He holds a PhD in Economics from the Australian National University and a Bachelor in Agricultural Economics (Honours I) from the University of Sydney.
- Date Thu, 06 September, 2018
- Time 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM
- Venue Auditorium, NIPFP, New Delhi
One-third of Australia’s coal-fired power stations closed during 2012–2017, with most of the remainder expected to close within the next two decades. Most new generation capacity is in the form of solar and wind. In this paper we conduct an event study to assess the local unemployment effects of the coal-fired power station closures. We use monthly regional labour force survey data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. We find that there has on average been an increase in local unemployment of around 0.7 percentage points after closures of coal-fired power stations, an effect that tends to persist beyond the months immediately after closure. In the context of the overall variation in regional unemployment rates, however, the implications are relatively modest. The findings raise questions about appropriate policy responses for dealing with local structural adjustment issues facing coal-reliant communities. Implications for the Indian context will be discussed.
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Issues in State Finances – Analysis of State Budgets 2018-19 (BY INVITE)
- Date Fri, 10 August, 2018
- Time 03:00 PM - 06:30 PM
- Venue Multi-purpose Hall, India International Centre, New Delhi
The objective of the seminar is to understand emerging issues in State finances based on State Budgets 2018-19 in a comparative perspective. Analysis of this year’s budgets of the States assume critical relevance as fiscal imbalances at the State level are on the rise. Also there is a need for better understanding of post GST scenario in States. The analysis would also highlight emerging issues in State Finances in light of the terms of Reference of the Fifteenth Finance Commission.
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Why does Fiscal Federalism matter? (By Invite)
- Date Wed, 01 August, 2018
- Time 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
- Venue Auditorium, NIPFP, New Delhi
NIPFP is organising a brief discussion on "Why does Fiscal Federalism matter?" The event is being organised in collaboration with the World Bank on August 01, 2018 at 10.30-11.30 a.m. in the Auditorium. The Country Director, World Bank, India Country office and Prof Roy Bahl, Prof. Paul Bernd Spahn, Bob Searle and Jonathan Coppel, Marcelin Joanis, and David Savage, alongwith select senior officials from the Country office will be coming for the interaction.
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Political Economy of Market Development: Why India’s Equity Market Reforms Have Succeeded While Its Corporate Debt Market Has Not
- Speaker Dr. John Echeverri-Gent, University of Virginia
Speaker profile
Dr. John Echeverri-Gent is an Associate Professor in the Politics Department at the University of Virginia. He is author of The State and the Poor: Public Policy and Political Development in India and the United States and co-editor of Economic Reform in Three Giants: U.S. Foreign Policy and the USSR, China, and India. He has written many articles in comparative public policy and the political economy of development. His current research project is on “The Political Economy of India’s Financial Sector Reform in Comparative Perspective.” He is a member of the editorial board of Political Science Quarterly. He has served as consultant to the World Bank and USAID. He was chair of the American Political Science Task Force on Difference and Inequality in Developing Societies and treasurer of the American Institute of Indian Studies. He received his Ph.D. and M.A. in Political Science from the University of Chicago.
- Date Fri, 25 May, 2018
- Time 04:30 PM - 06:30 PM
- Venue Conference Room, R&T Building, NIPFP
India’s equity markets have been transformed from the backwaters of the global market with outdated trading technologies and regulatory institutions to world class institutions using cutting edge technology. At the end of 2017, National Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange had the ninth and tenth largest domestic market capitalization in the world, and they operated settlement and regulatory standards at the global cutting edge. At the same time, India’s market for corporate bonds lagged far behind global standards. In 2013, the value of Indian corporate bonds as a percentage of GDP was only 5.4% trailing far behind not only economic powerhouses like Republic of Korea (77.5%), Singapore (37%), Hong Kong (31.4%), and China (13%), but also less successful economies like Malaysia (43.4%) and Thailand (15.9%). More than 94% of corporate debt was raised through private placement rather than on the open market. This talk develops a political economy approach to explain why India’s equity markets have rapidly developed and its corporate debt market has not.
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Do fiscal rules cause fiscal discipline over the electoral cycle?
- Speaker Dr. Marcelin Joanis, Polytechnique Montréal
Speaker profile
Dr. Marcelin Joanis,Associate professor of economics, Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal.Detailed Bio
- Date Wed, 23 May, 2018
- Time 03:30 PM - 05:00 PM
- Venue Auditorium, NIPFP, New Delhi
This paper estimates the causal effect of fiscal rules on political budget cycles in a sample of 67 developing countries over the period 1985-2007. We exploit the geographical pattern in the adoption of fiscal rules to isolate an exogenous source of variation in the adoption of national fiscal rules. Based on a diffusion argument, we use the number of other countries in a given subregion that have fiscal rules in place to predict the probability of having them at the country level. We find that in election years with fiscal rules in place, public consumption is reduced by 1.65% point of GDP as compared to election years without these rules. Furthermore, the effectiveness of these rules depends on their type, their institutional design, whether they have been in place for a long time and finally on the degree of competitiveness of elections.
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Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS)
- Speaker Mr. Kashinath Katakdhond, Receivables Exchange of India Limited (RXIL)
Speaker profile
Shri. Kashinath Katakdhond is Managing Director and CEO of Receivables Exchange of India Limited (RXIL), a joint initiative of NSE and SIDBI, setup to operate the TReDS Exchange. Prior to this, Shri. Katakdhond was Vice President and Product Head for NSE Bond Futures. Shri. Katakdhond has been associated with NSE and worked with the founding members since its inception in 1993. He is a seasoned finance professional with more than 23 years of global experience and exposure spanning across Capital Markets, Wholesale Debt Market, Book Building, SGL Operations, Portfolio Asset Management, Prime Brokerage, Trading and Back-office. He has worked on Wall Street with Credit Suisse NY, State Street Princeton - NJ and Citi, NY. Prior to joining NSE, Shri. Katakdhond was Sr. Vice President at Citi based out of New York and was part of the Treasury team involved in Global Treasury Liquidity Monitoring and Reporting Program put in place during the financial crisis in 2007.Shri. Katakdhond has completed his Global Executive MBA (GEMBA) program from Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA and ESADE Business School, Spain in July 2012 focusing on internationalisation and strategy. He has also completed his Bachelor of Computer Engineering from VJTI, University of Mumbai and MBA (Finance) from Symbiosis Institute of Business Management, University of Pune.
- Date Wed, 25 April, 2018
- Time 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM
- Venue Conference Room, R&T Building, NIPFP
The RXIL TReDS presentation will cover what is TReDS, RXIL background, TReDS arrangement, how it works, key benefits for participants, key challenges – regulatory and non-regulatory, road map ahead and new initiatives undertaken.
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The IMF's latest World Economic and Financial Outlook
- Speaker Dr. Andreas Bauer
Speaker profile
Senior Resident Representative, IMF
- Date Thu, 19 April, 2018
- Time 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
- Venue Round Table Conference Room, R&T Building, NIPFP
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Financial Frictions and Monetary Transmission in India
- Speaker Dr. Shesadri Banerjee, MIDS, Chennai
Speaker profile
Dr. Shesadri Banerjee is Assistant Professor in Economics at the Madras Institute of Development, Chennai.
- Date Thu, 05 April, 2018
- Time 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
- Venue NIPFP Auditorium
One of the well documented stylized facts on Indian macroeconomy is the weak and incomplete transmission of monetary policy. In view of the empirical evidence from literature (Kletzer, 2012; Mishra et al. 2016), we examine if the frictions of the bank-led credit market can explain such low pass-through of monetary transmission mechanism. We address the research question using a New Keynesian business cycle model with Indian economy specific features of liquidity constrained population, competitive labour market and reserve requirements of the bank. We incorporate a variety of real (TFP, investment specific technological change, and fiscal policy) and nominal (interest rate shock) shocks to the prototype economy in order to understand the propagation mechanism and quantify the variance decomposition of shocks. Combining the methods of calibration and estimation, the baseline parameterization is configured and validated with second order moments of the data. Our model identifies the critical role of financial frictions in the transmission process, and explains the co-movements of interest rates, incomplete pass-through and adjustment mechanism of the real, nominal and financial variables for a positive interest rate shock.
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Roundtable on Infrastructure standards in India's transport sector (By Invite)
- Date Wed, 28 March, 2018
- Time 09:30 AM - 04:00 PM
- Venue Conference Room, R&T Building, NIPFP
The National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP) has recently developed a “Climate and Disaster Resilience Initiative”. This initiative aims to bring together knowledge experts and facilitate discussion on disaster resilient economic infrastructure. Under this initiative, NIPFP is hosting a roundtable in Delhi on the 28th March 2018 in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Jodhpur.Click here for details.
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US Health Care Reform: Past, Present and Future
- Speaker Jonathan Gruber
Speaker profile
Dr. Jonathan Gruber is the Ford Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he has taught since 1992. He is also the Director of the Health Care Program at the National Bureau of Economic Research, and President of the American Society of Health Economists. He is a member of the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Social Insurance, and the Econometric Society. He has published more than 160 research articles, has edited six research volumes, and is the author of Public Finance and Public Policy, a leading undergraduate text, and Health Care Reform, a graphic novel. In 2006 he received the American Society of Health Economists Inaugural Medal for the best health economist in the nation aged 40 and under.During the 1997-1998 academic year, Dr. Gruber was on leave as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy at the Treasury Department. From 2003-2006 he was a key architect of Massachusetts’ ambitious health reform effort, and in 2006 became an inaugural member of the Health Connector Board, the main implementing body for that effort. During 2009-2010 he served as a technical consultant to the Obama Administration and worked with both the Administration and Congress to help craft the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In 2011 he was named “One of the Top 25 Most Innovative and Practical Thinkers of Our Time” by Slate Magazine. In both 2006 and 2012 he was rated as one of the top 100 most powerful people in health care in the United States by Modern Healthcare Magazine. Dr. Gruber is the Chair of the Industry Advisory Board for Flare Capital Partners and is on the board of the Health Care Cost Institute.
- Date Wed, 07 March, 2018
- Time 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
- Venue NIPFP Auditorium
America has gone through a major health care reform that is now under attack. The speaker will review the background to reform, what reform did and where the US goes next.
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Australia's response to the challenges of GST treatment of e-commerce
- Speaker Ms. Katie Welsh and Mr. David Pullen
Speaker profile
Ms. Katie Welsh is the Assistant Commissioner, Indirect Tax - Risk and Strategy, Australian Taxation Office; and Mr. David Pullen is Manager, Indirect Tax and Not-for-profit Unit, The Treasury, Australian Government.
- Date Thu, 22 February, 2018
- Time 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
- Venue NIPFP Auditorium
Cross border e-commerce is now thriving globally. It reduces commercial barriers to trade. Customers and merchants are regularly using online platforms to buy and sell goods internationally.The world is now only one click away.The rise of e-commerce has enabled foreign merchants to be at a competitive tax advantage in selling their products in domestic markets. Whilst domestic merchants must include GST/VAT on the sale price, foreign merchants are not under the same obligations. Most countries are grappling with the impacts of e-commerce. Australia has recently passed laws to impose GST obligations on imported digital/services and low value imported goods. These laws adopt the principles expressed in the OECD’s GST/VAT Guidelines.Australia’s presentation will provide you with an overview of the issues it had to consider and the GST framework it implemented. The presentation will also touch on recently legislated changes with respect to how GST applies to crypto-currencies.
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Roundtable on “Towards budgeting for a diversified food system for improved nutritional outcomes: Perspectives & Opportunities” (BY INVITE)
- Date Tue, 20 February, 2018
- Time 10:30 AM - 01:30 PM
- Venue NIPFP Auditorium
Agriculture policy in India continues to be largely in favour of staples – be it the input policy, credit policy or the procurement policy. While the country as whole has immensely benefited from these policies in fighting hunger, India continues to face high levels of hidden hunger and malnutrition. The recent figures from NFHS4 on stunting on anaemia are some examples. For instance, at the all India level, stunting among children under 5 years of age is 38.4 per cent. Similarly, 58.5 per cent of all children between 6 months-59 months of age are anaemic. Among all women (15-49 years of age group), 53 percent have been shown as anaemic, as per the NFHS-4, which reflects only a marginal decline from the corresponding figures as per NFHS-3.TCI has been advocating at multiple fora that if we adopt a food systems lens, it would allow a much wider perspective for designing nutrition-sensitive agriculture policies. Simply defined, a food system includes all individuals, enterprises and institutions that influence the supply, demand, consumption and absorption of food and micronutrients. A “food systems approach” has the potential to ensure that agriculture policies can help realize both food security and ensure positive nutritional outcomes.In this context, it becomes pertinent to deliberate upon the trends and patterns in budgetary allocations on relevant select budget heads (major and minor), which are related to the understanding of food system.The National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP) with Tata Cornell Institute (TCI) is organising a Roundtable on “Towards budgeting for a diversified food system for improved nutritional outcomes: Perspectives & Opportunities”. Key policy experts comprising policy makers from the Government of India, Agriculture economists, Public Finance and Budget experts, Development practitioners and Representatives from the Private Sector would attend the Roundtable. The Roundtable seeks to draw upon the expertise of the participants in identifying the broad themes for policy research on public financing (in both the Union and state budgets) for a diversified food system.The participants include Rathin Roy, Director NIPFP; Prabhu Pingali, Director, Tata Cornell Institute; N. R. Bhanumurthy, NIPFP; and Shubh Swain, TCI.
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Asymmetric Agents and Dynamic (Voluntary) Contributions to Public Goods
- Speaker Subhra K. Bhattacharya, Shiv Nadar University
Speaker profile
Subhra K. Bhattacharya is an assistant professor in the department of economics at Shiv Nadar University. He has completed his PhD in Economics from Iowa State University. His primary research area is public economics and his current research focuses on private provision of public good by strategic individuals and optimal corrective taxation. He is also working on public economics issues in environment, and one of his current work in progress focuses on designing optimal institutional arrangement to tackle trans-boundary pollution. Detailed Bio.
- Date Thu, 15 February, 2018
- Time 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
- Venue Round Table Conference Room, R&T Building, NIPFP
We analyse dynamic contributions to public goods, both discrete and continuous, by strategic individuals who value the provision asymmetrically. Individual contributions towards a continuous public good that provides a constant marginal benefit are found to be strategic complements across time. In a benchmark case of homogeneous agents, the project needs a critical external contribution to get started. In case of asymmetric agents, whether an individual renders a positive contribution and whether the project needs a critical external support to get started depends on a marginal valuation differential: the ratio of the agents' marginal benefits, and the inter-relationship between discount rate and rate of depreciation. When this marginal valuation differential exceeds a threshold (i.e., when the individuals differ substantially in terms of their marginal and therefore lifetime valuations), the individual with lower valuation does not contribute a positive amount until a critical amount has been accumulated from the contributions of the higher valuation individual, and thus free-rides on the higher valuation individual. When the individuals do not differ significantly in their valuations, the project needs an external support to get started, and the scope and incidence of free-riding behaviour is restricted. Once the project is started, the agents increase their period contributions in strategic response to an increase in collective contributions to reach a steady state level of provision. On the other hand, individual contributions to a discrete public good are strategic complements across time and are positively related to their valuations. An individual with a higher valuation contributes a larger amount in each period in an asymmetric completion Markov perfect equilibrium.Watch seminar video
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- Presentation
The Union Budget 2018-19: Reforms and Development Perspectives (BY INVITE)
- Date Sat, 10 February, 2018
- Time 10:00 AM - 01:30 PM
- Venue Grand Ballroom, The Leela Palace, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi
- Abstract
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Artificial Intelligence, Society, and Politics of the Future
- Speaker Dr. Anupam Guha
Speaker profile
Anupam Guha is a computer scientist, working on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Linguistics based in the US east coast with a PhD from the University of Maryland and a MS from Georgia Tech. He is deeply interested in and does outreach on the future Social, Political, and Economic implications of AI, especially both its oppressive and emancipatory potentials for Labour.Dr. Guha does advocacy for an increased communication between silos of academia, science informed policy, politics informed science, and supports free, universal, and quality higher education in India. He has written in Hindustan Times, Indian Express, and on the issues of AI, Labour, and the Politics of Science.
- Date Tue, 06 February, 2018
- Time 04:30 PM - 06:00 PM
- Venue R&T Building, NIPFP
At the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, this time centred around artificial intelligence there is both great peril and great hope. Great peril because currently demonstrated technology, if there are no radical socio-economic changes, will kill a significant percentage of Indian jobs and create precarity for the hundreds of millions of India’s workers, both formal and informal, from farmers to engineers. Great hope because the same technology could create a quantum leap in productivity and logistics enabling the potential formation of a radical national policy which could perhaps, if backed with political imagination and wisdom, lead to an emancipation of Indian labour. This fork in the road cannot be avoided.There are reactionaries who will not look at AI critically and such a political dismissal of a titanic force will render us vulnerable, and there are also neoliberal technocrats who are enamoured with solutionism and who ignore the structural changes needed to make prosperity under AI possible. My talk will focus on, in the Indian context, the potentials of current AI, the need for a critical politically-educated look at it, the need for a radical rethink, beyond band-aid measures like UBI and robot taxes, towards the structural issues of work, wage, property, and public prosperity, and the possible futures of AI. In describing the above, my talk will also lay out the framework for a new kind of politics for the same.
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Green Growth and The Right to Energy in India
- Speaker Rohit Azad, JNU
Speaker profile
Dr. Rohit Azad is Assistant Professor, Centre for Economics Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Detailed Bio.
- Date Mon, 22 January, 2018
- Time 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM
- Venue NIPFP Auditorium
Can growth in India be simultaneously made equitable and environmentally sustainable? The recent pattern of high growth in India has been unequal even as serious questions have been raised about its ecological sustainability. In contrast to that, this paper argues for an alternative growth trajectory which answers the question in the affirmative. We propose an Energy Policy with Equity (EPE), which fundamentally changes the energy mix of the Indian economy towards greener forms of energy as well as guarantees universal access to energy thus generated to the entire population.
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