Analysis of State Budgets 2017-18: Emerging Issues (Impact of Power Sector Debt - UDAY on State Finances)
- 2018
- Authors Pinaki Chakraborty, Manish Gupta, Lekha Chakraborty and Amandeep Kaur
- Details Published by the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, (NIPFP), New Delhi, as part of the IDRC project titled A Study of Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers in India.
- Price for printed copy Rs. 200.00
This study is an outcome of the larger research project, "A Study oflntergovemmental Fiscal Transfers in India", supported by a grant from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, under the Think Tank Initiative.The report using state budgets of 2017-18 examines the likely impact of some of the recent policy changes on the finances of state governments. The central theme of this report is the impact of power sector debt - UDAY on State finances. This study was led by Professor Pinaki Chakraborty. The other members of the team are Dr. Lekha Chakraborty, Dr. Manish Gupta and Ms. Amandeep Kaur.
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Emerging Issues in State Finances Post-Fourteenth Finance Commission: Analysis of State Budgets 2016-17
- 2018
- Authors Manish Gupta, Lekha Chakraborty and Pinaki Chakraborty
- Details Sponsored by IDRC, Canada
- Price for printed copy Rs. 200.00
This report is an outcome of the larger research project, “A Study of Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers in India”, supported by a grant from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, under the Think Tank Initiative.In recent years, there has been a fundamental change in the Union-State fiscal relations brought about by a number of policy developments which have both immediate and long-term implications for the States and their finances. The report using state budgets of 2016-17 examines the likely impact of some of these policy changes on the finances of state governments. Given the fact that in large federal countries including India, the responsibility for social sector spending lies with the subnational governments, any change in the fiscal space of states will have implications for social sector financing. The report also examines the implications of these policy changes on expenditures of states, especially expenditures on social sector.
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Divergences in Human Development Outcomes in Madhya Pradesh: The role of Fiscal Policy and Governance
- 2017
- Authors N. R. Bhanumurthy, H.K. Amarnath, Manish Prasad, Shiney Chakraborty and Richa Jain
- Details The report has been produced in collaboration with the Madhya Pradesh government and UNICEF, Bhopal.
- Price for printed copy Rs. 200.00
NIPFP has been privileged to partner with the Madhya Pradesh government and UNICEF in the production of this important report. The objective of fiscal policy and of good governance is to improve the lives of common people. Human development provides an excellent framework and metric within which the assessment and impact of such can be undertaken. This report provides both an analytical framework, and an empirical matrix to undertake such an exercise for Madhya Pradesh at the district level. The report has also carried out in depth analysis in several districts to understand specifically why human development outcomes may not have been achieved despite higher public expenditure. Here, important linkages between governance, human development and the efficacy of fiscal policy, have been identified.We are confident that this will be a valuable resource for the Madhya Pradesh government to better target its human development interventions and to undertake reforms in fiscal policy and governance that will improve the quality and effectiveness of public expenditure in the state, so that our common endeavour- to ensure that public money is spent such that there is a tangible positive difference in the lives of all citizens- is secured.Contents:PrefaceAcknowledgementChapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Concept and Issues of GovernanceChapter 3: Governance Index(GI) and variations across districts in Madhya PradeshChapter 4: Variations in Education and Health Achievements across Districts in Madhya PradeshChapter 5: Linkages between public spending and development outcomesChapter 6: Observations from Field VisitReferencesAnnexureA1. District-wise Indices for MDGs of Madhya PradeshA2. District-wise Indices for Different Dimension of GovernanceA3. District-wise Indices for Education PerformanceA4. District-wise Indices for Health PerformanceA5. District-wise Per Capita Expenditure of Madhya Pradesh for 2012-13(in rupees)A6. Per capita District Domestic Product of Madhya Pradesh for 2012-13(in rupees)A7. District-wise code of Madhya Pradesh
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Madhya Pradesh State MDG Report 2014-15
- 2016
- Authors N.R. Bhanumurthy, H.K. Amar Nath, Sukanya Bose, Parma Devi Adhikari and Arkajyoti Jana
- Details The report is based on a study commissioned by the State of Madhya Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh State MDG Status report is not just an accounting exercise to assess the achievement levels of Millennium Development Goals. The report responds to multidimensional aspirations of inter-district variations, interlinkages with public interventions and achievement levels. It studies the burden of non-achieving regions or districts on MP State’s overall performance. As we are moving towards Sustainable Development Goals, it is necessary to understand the dynamics of interventions and linkages. This report aims at providing a benchmark and a basis for common global future for achievements or deficiencies in MDGs and a way forward to move towards SDGs.
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Unspent Balances and Fund Flow Mechanism under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS)
- 2014
- Authors N.R. Bhanumurthy, H.K. Amar Nath, Akhilesh Verma, Adarsh Gupta
- Details Based on a study for the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. In stock: 125 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 200.00 Download options
Matching Human Development across Maharashtra with its Economic Development
- 2010
- Authors Tapas K Sen,. Amar Nath H.K, Mita Choudhury, Surajit Das
- Details Financing Human Development Monograph Series, NIPFP. In stock: 157 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 150.00 Download options
State Fiscal Studies: Kerala
- 2010
- Authors D.K. Srivastava, Saumen Chattopadhyay and Prarap Ranjan Jena
- Details Series on State Fiscal Studies, NIPFP
- Price for printed copy Rs. 150.00 Download options
Policy Instruments for Achieving Low Carbon and High Growth in India
- 2010
- Authors U. Sankar
- Details Paper presented at the Roundtable on Fiscal and Non-fiscal Instruments for Sustainable Development in India. In stock: 120 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 150.00 Download options
Prospects and Policies for Low Carbon Economic Growth of India
- 2010
- Authors Ramprasad Sengupta
- Details Paper presented at the Roundtable on Fiscal and Non-fiscal Instruments for Sustainable Development in India. In stock: 114 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 150.00 Download options
Financing Human Development in Kerala: Issues and Challenges
- 2010
- Authors Pinaki Chakraborty, Lekha Chakraborty, Amar Nath H.K, Sona Mitra
- Details Financing Human Development Monograph Series, NIPFP. In stock: 154 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 150.00 Download options
Rajasthan: Fostering Economic and Human Development Concurrently
- 2010
- Authors Tapas K Sen, H.K. Amar Nath, Mita Choudhury and Surajit Das
- Details Financing Human Development Monograph Series, NIPFP. In stock: 147 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 150.00 Download options
Resources for Sustaining Human Development in Himachal Pradesh
- 2010
- Authors Tapas K Sen, H.K. Amar Nath, Mita Choudhury, Surajit Das
- Details Financing Human Development Monograph Series, NIPFP. In stock: 142 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 150.00 Download options
Rapid Transition of a Young State to Maturity: Resources for Human Development in Chhattisgarh
- 2010
- Authors Tapas K Sen, H.K. Amar Nath, Mita Choudhury, Surajit Das
- Details Financing Human Development Monograph Series, NIPFP. In stock: 151 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 150.00 Download options
India: Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability
- 2010
- Authors Pratap Ranjan Jena
- Details NIPFP study undertaken for the World Bank. In stock: 29 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 150.00 Download options
Dealing with Fiscal Constraints on Public Financing of Human Development in West Bengal
- 2009
- Authors Tapas K Sen, H.K. Amar Nath, Mita Choudhury and Protiva Kundu
- Details Financing Human Development Monograph Series, NIPFP. In stock: 148 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 150.00 Download options
Financing Human Development in Tamil Nadu : Consolidating and Building Upon Achievement
- 2008
- Authors Tapas K Sen, H.K. Amar Nath, Mita Choudhury and Anit Mukherjee
- Details Financing Human Development Monograph Series, NIPFP. In stock: 22 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 150.00 Download options
Fiscal Decentralisation and Gender Budgeting
- 2008
- Authors M. Govinda Rao, Lekha S. Chakraborty, Amaresh Bagchi
- Details NIPFP study undertaken for UNIFEM. In stock: 96 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 250.00 Download options
Fiscal Reforms, Persistent Poverty and Human Development: The Case of Orissa
- 2008
- Authors Tapas K Sen, H.K. Amar Nath, Mita Choudhury and Protiva Kundu
- Details Financing Human Development Monograph Series, NIPFP. In stock: 98 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 150.00 Download options
Trapped in the Comfort Zone of Denial 50 years of Expenditure Management in India
- 2008
- Authors A. Premchand
- Details NIPFP study. In stock: 86 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 150.00 Download options
Inter-State Equalisation of Health Expenditures in Indian Union
- 2008
- Authors M. Govinda Rao and Mita Choudhury
- Details Study undertaken for WHO India and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. In stock: 94 copies
- Price for printed copy Rs. 75.00 Download options