वित्त मंत्रालय के तहत एक स्वायत्त अनुसंधान संस्थान


Reviving the Indian Economy


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The Finance Minister Smt Nirmala Sitharaman had said that the demand for consumer goods has increased considerably during the festival months. October-to-March is the festival season in India. Based on the “Nikkei Manufacturing Purchasing Manager's Index (PMI)”, the Finance Minister said that the “economic activity had picked up in ...

The Role of Public and Private Healthcare services in Covid Testing and Treatment


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(Co-authored with Mita Choiudhury)
In a public health emergency, the role of the government is expected to be dominant as private provisioning is likely to be sub-optimal. Yet, in a health system, which is largely dominated by the private sector, a public-private interplay is inevitable. In this article, we ...

Nudge towards formalisation


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(Co-authored with Amrita Pillai)
Registering MSMEs could help them access formal credit channels
The costs of formalisation and compliance are high and onerous in many states in India. In such an ecosystem, there are perverse incentives to remaining small and informal.
A new process of classification and ...

In the interest of Indian banks and borrowers


(Co-authored with Radhika Pandey)
India’s economy contracted by 23.9 per cent in the second quarter of 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic severely hampered economic activity. To support growth, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has cut official interest rates by 115 basis points in 2020. A slew of ...

Gender Budgeting in Multi-level Governance


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(Co-authored with Veena Nayyar and Komal Jain)
Gender budgeting is an approach that uses fiscal policy to promote gender equality by trying to translate gender commitments into fiscal commitments through processes, resources and institutional mechanisms. In a multi-level governance structure, the political economy of gender budgeting encompassed both the ...