वित्त मंत्रालय के तहत एक स्वायत्त अनुसंधान संस्थान


“Shell”tering money


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The versatile shell companies serve not just as vehicles for corporate tax dodging but have also been used by the rich to get around paying hefty alimony payments. The existence of shell companies is not recent and its rather innocuous beginnings can be traced back to 1960s when Walt Disney ...

Judicial Procedures will make or break the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code


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[Co-authored with Pratik Datta]


The key test of any default resolution process is: how much value is recovered by the lender? The most important factor that determines this amount is the time taken to complete the resolution. India has set up many recovery mechanisms that have given us long ...

Global Economic Developments


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The United States Federal Reserve’s (US Fed) decision to raise interest rates by 25 basis points could have a significant impact on global economic growth. The Fed has decided to go “hawkish” this quarter and Fed Chief Janet Yellen’s commentary on future rates hikes has led to negative reaction in ...

Compelling Fiscal-Monetary Policy Linkages in the Event of Demonetisation


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The demonetisation of 500 and 1000 rupee notes was announced by the Prime Minister on November 8, 2016; since then, there has been a growing interest in understanding fiscal-monetary policy linkages. This article revisits these compelling policy linkages. Increasingly, there is an alarming tendency of segregating the monetary and fiscal ...

Fiscal Consolidation, Budget Deficits and the Macro Economy


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The 2016 book titled “Fiscal Consolidation, Budget Deficits and the Macro Economy”, by Lekha Chakraborty,  is a welcome addition to the growing literature that deals with fiscal policy in specific countries, focusing on the longer run and on fiscal consolidation, rather than on a short run and countercyclical perspective. The ...