An autonomous research institute under the Ministry of Finance


Intuition, not prediction


There is a difference between an estimate, a projection, and a forecast. Projections extrapolate on past trends. Forecasts are based on an economic model that uses data to forecast future economic magnitudes.
The Covid crisis makes “data driven” projections inaccurate, as the past provides zero guidance for the future ...

Articulate an economic strategy


The country has been in lockdown mode since March 24, administered centrally by the Ministry of Home Affairs, using powers conferred under the National Disaster Management Act. The approach has thus far been an administrative one, the overarching aim being to minimise the spread of the epidemic. Subject to this ...

Coronavirus crisis: Little relief for the Indian economy


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(Co-authored with Lekha Chakraborty)
Ex-gratia payments to women account holders PMJDY, poor widows, senior citizens and physically challenged persons are welcome steps, including free gas cylinders for Ujjwala beneficiaries.
The world is shut down to avoid a catastrophe. This has caused enormous damage to economies leading to a ...

Economic lessons of Coronavirus


The outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic is neither unprecedented nor intractable. However, its genesis in China, and its transitive impact on global economic activity, portend important lessons for economists.
Globalisation brings structural risks which have to be analytically recognised and addressed
Globalisation represented the triumph of the ...

Indo-US relations: Time to step up on trade and investment


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(Coauthored with Emmanuel Thomas)


After US President Donald Trump’s visit to India, attention has shifted to the enormous bilateral defence deal worth $3 billion from the ‘deficits and tariffs’ debate in the India-US economic diplomacy discourse. His reiteration of India as a ‘tariff king’ was striking, especially as he ...