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(Coauthored with Lekha Chakraborty and MD Azharuddin Khan)
Karnataka is the first state in the country to have introduced a fiscal rules framework, even before the central government had enacted the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, 2003. The Karnataka Fiscal Responsibility Act (KFRA) was enacted in 2002 ...
India needs a ‘care economy’ policy

The ‘care economy’ is statistically invisible. No effective macro policy coherence is there to ensure and support care economy in India. More often, women as primary caregivers leave the job market to perform the responsibilities, at the peak of their career. This, in turn, can affect economic growth of the ...
Balancing uncompensated positive externalities and developmental needs of Himalayan States
Ten of the eleven Himalayan and north eastern states came together at a conclave in hill town of Uttarakhand with twin demands from the government of India viz., a separate ministry to deal with problems endemic to them and a ‘green bonus’ in recognition of their contribution to environmental conservation ...

While pragmatic, its fiscal marksmanship is a pressing concern.
Policy uncertainty can cause a severe drag on economic growth. The maiden budget by finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman was a judicious narrative of how to lessen the policy uncertainties. She has not deviated from the fiscal consolidation path and ...
The draft NEP and the Question of Finances
(Co-authored with Arvind Sardana)
The Draft National Education Policy is an ambitious document that aims to bring in wide-spread reforms in the field of education and research. But do we have enough money to realize these goals? Sukanya Bose and Arvind Sardana examine this question.
The Draft National ...